这是我第一次可以酱清楚的看到我们的宝宝。 看到他的头,手,脚,还有心跳。心里有中说不出来的感动。差点就要流泪了。
在做扫描时,宝宝还不停的动来动去。连医生都说他很好动呢! 最好笑的是,每当照到他的脸时, 他都用手把脸给遮起来。好像有意和我们玩一样。最后, 还把脚给翘起来, 真的很逗趣。
有点迫不及待了。 等待着他的到来。
The 1st home made "chickuteh"
Today, my hubby suddenly suggested to cook "chickuteh" since we have reached home early. Plus, he had bought a packet of the "herb" quite some time ago.
So, without second thought. we went down to the convenient shop to buy all the materials needed to prepare a good "chickuteh", ie : the "sang choi" and celery. However, we can't get the mushrooms and the char kue (yao char guai). Luckily, our maid is still around and willing to get it for us.
From 4.55pm, we started to prepare soup, put in "herbs", 3 whole garlics and wait till it boiled. Then, put the chicken and mushrooms into it. Then cook it with low heat for approximately 1 hour. ( i can tell u, the aroma was so unresistable....).
Finally, the "chickuteh" is done. We invited our colleague to have dinner with us, he asked who had prepared this meal and we are supposed to cook "chickuteh" earlier. All of us was so satisfied with it and decided to prepare it some other day....
Hmm..... this meal was the most satisfying meal i ever had in jakarta (mayb due to I didn't take "bakuteh" for a long time :P)
p/s: sorry, due to so eager to taste the "chickuteh", i forgot to take pictures of it....
So, without second thought. we went down to the convenient shop to buy all the materials needed to prepare a good "chickuteh", ie : the "sang choi" and celery. However, we can't get the mushrooms and the char kue (yao char guai). Luckily, our maid is still around and willing to get it for us.
From 4.55pm, we started to prepare soup, put in "herbs", 3 whole garlics and wait till it boiled. Then, put the chicken and mushrooms into it. Then cook it with low heat for approximately 1 hour. ( i can tell u, the aroma was so unresistable....).
Finally, the "chickuteh" is done. We invited our colleague to have dinner with us, he asked who had prepared this meal and we are supposed to cook "chickuteh" earlier. All of us was so satisfied with it and decided to prepare it some other day....
Hmm..... this meal was the most satisfying meal i ever had in jakarta (mayb due to I didn't take "bakuteh" for a long time :P)
p/s: sorry, due to so eager to taste the "chickuteh", i forgot to take pictures of it....
昨晚和我先生发生了一些不开心的事。 那是因为我觉得他的朋友很不尊敬我。明明在吃完晚饭时就跟他们说了我会去我朋友家拜年。
但是才到朋友家不到一个小时, 他的朋友就已经打了两个电话过来问他和他们“开枱”吗?一点都不放我在眼里。原先我还叫自己冷静下来, 不要破坏了新年快乐的气氛。谁知道当他载我回家路上,他们又再打来了。真的是把我给气坏了。
回到家后, 躺下来准备睡觉时。 很自然的把手放在肚皮上,发觉小宝宝好像能感应到我的不开心一样。就在我手掌的地方踢了一下。 当我把手移到别的地方时,他/她也做出同样的反应。也就是这种反应提醒了我,不可以再不开心下去。 他们是谁? 他们没有权力去影响我宝宝的心情。
但是, 还是会为没有很多时间陪我的朋友而感到遗憾。
但是才到朋友家不到一个小时, 他的朋友就已经打了两个电话过来问他和他们“开枱”吗?一点都不放我在眼里。原先我还叫自己冷静下来, 不要破坏了新年快乐的气氛。谁知道当他载我回家路上,他们又再打来了。真的是把我给气坏了。
回到家后, 躺下来准备睡觉时。 很自然的把手放在肚皮上,发觉小宝宝好像能感应到我的不开心一样。就在我手掌的地方踢了一下。 当我把手移到别的地方时,他/她也做出同样的反应。也就是这种反应提醒了我,不可以再不开心下去。 他们是谁? 他们没有权力去影响我宝宝的心情。
但是, 还是会为没有很多时间陪我的朋友而感到遗憾。
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