请游览 http://patricia78.pixnet.net/blog.
今天早上看到宝贝的指甲蛮长的, 于是就拿起指甲钳帮他剪指甲。
突然, 宝贝放声大哭。
啊。。。糟糕了, 留血了。。。
看到宝贝不停的哭, 自己也心痛得哭了起来。。。
对不起啊, 宝贝,一定很痛了, 妈咪以后会更加小心的。
突然, 宝贝放声大哭。
啊。。。糟糕了, 留血了。。。
看到宝贝不停的哭, 自己也心痛得哭了起来。。。
对不起啊, 宝贝,一定很痛了, 妈咪以后会更加小心的。
最近却听到身边的一些朋友说: “我其实很幸运,至少比她们幸运。” 无可否认,我是蛮“好彩”的。但是,除了“好彩”,我就没有付出,或实力了吗?这一句 “幸运”,让我觉得自己好像笨笨的,一直以来的成就只是靠着这份“运气”得来。
但无论如何, 我还感恩上天给我的这份福气。让我顺顺利利的过我的生活。 我会好好的珍惜现在所拥有的家人、朋友等的一切一切。
最近却听到身边的一些朋友说: “我其实很幸运,至少比她们幸运。” 无可否认,我是蛮“好彩”的。但是,除了“好彩”,我就没有付出,或实力了吗?这一句 “幸运”,让我觉得自己好像笨笨的,一直以来的成就只是靠着这份“运气”得来。
但无论如何, 我还感恩上天给我的这份福气。让我顺顺利利的过我的生活。 我会好好的珍惜现在所拥有的家人、朋友等的一切一切。
还有少过两个月的时间, 宝宝就要来到这个世界了。
现在也开始在把刚买回来的尿布、新衣、毛巾等的东西都洗一遍。 至少就算宝宝突然给我惊喜, 也不会措手不及嘛。。。
但是, 在买宝宝用品和清洗这些物品的过程。 当中确实是冲满了期待和喜悦的。
比如说: 当你在折着那小小件的上衣, 而脑袋里确实幻想着宝宝穿在身上的模样。 真的会不自觉的会心一笑的。
现在, 宝宝已经大约有1。5KG 大了。 经常会在肚子里练工夫一样, 时不时就会“看到”肚皮动来动去。 偶尔还会跟你玩捉迷藏一样, 你拍肚皮的这一边, 他却在肚皮的另一边给你反应。
真的有点迫不及待的, 想看看宝宝的样子。
现在也开始在把刚买回来的尿布、新衣、毛巾等的东西都洗一遍。 至少就算宝宝突然给我惊喜, 也不会措手不及嘛。。。
但是, 在买宝宝用品和清洗这些物品的过程。 当中确实是冲满了期待和喜悦的。
比如说: 当你在折着那小小件的上衣, 而脑袋里确实幻想着宝宝穿在身上的模样。 真的会不自觉的会心一笑的。
现在, 宝宝已经大约有1。5KG 大了。 经常会在肚子里练工夫一样, 时不时就会“看到”肚皮动来动去。 偶尔还会跟你玩捉迷藏一样, 你拍肚皮的这一边, 他却在肚皮的另一边给你反应。
真的有点迫不及待的, 想看看宝宝的样子。
原以为回来后, 他会把会议里的决定告诉我。 但是很失望,他却只字不说。只是不停的和另外一为同事在商量。从他们的谈话中, 我隐隐约约的感觉到我老板好像有要拆股的意识。这真的令我感觉到很不安。这虽然只是我的猜测,但不懂为什么,就有一种很强烈的感觉告诉我。我的猜测是对的。
除了这件事之外, 还有些让我不是很开心的。 那就是为什么他总喜欢把所有事都留给自己?虽然我明白他不想我担心。 但现在看到酱的情况,而我只能在瞎猜。我还不是更担心吗?当然我知道他的出发点是为我好, 不让我烦。但是我真的希望他知道为我好, 也需要了解怎样才能让我好过一点啊!!!
现在我不求些什么, 只求这件事尽快的明朗化。好让我知道未来是怎样。。。
原以为回来后, 他会把会议里的决定告诉我。 但是很失望,他却只字不说。只是不停的和另外一为同事在商量。从他们的谈话中, 我隐隐约约的感觉到我老板好像有要拆股的意识。这真的令我感觉到很不安。这虽然只是我的猜测,但不懂为什么,就有一种很强烈的感觉告诉我。我的猜测是对的。
除了这件事之外, 还有些让我不是很开心的。 那就是为什么他总喜欢把所有事都留给自己?虽然我明白他不想我担心。 但现在看到酱的情况,而我只能在瞎猜。我还不是更担心吗?当然我知道他的出发点是为我好, 不让我烦。但是我真的希望他知道为我好, 也需要了解怎样才能让我好过一点啊!!!
现在我不求些什么, 只求这件事尽快的明朗化。好让我知道未来是怎样。。。
Well, am i the luckiest pregnant woman among frens?
I remember at the early stage of my pregnancy. Someone did tell me that I'm the luckiest pregnant woman among his friends. Coz I don't have to do the house work, cooking and have driver to fecth to & back from office.
I admitted. But now after 5 months of pregnancy, I started to think again. Am I the luckiest one?
No, am not. I can foresee how helpless am I in the last trimester of my pregnancy where my hubby won't be by my side. This is due to I'll be back to KL waiting to give birth but my hubby still have to stay in Jakarta to work.
I believe every woman feels the same. The last trimester of pregnancy is the time where they needed their hubby's support the most. Honestly, I don't know how my condition is at time. Hopefully I'll still be as healthy as now so that I can take care of myself.
I admitted. But now after 5 months of pregnancy, I started to think again. Am I the luckiest one?
No, am not. I can foresee how helpless am I in the last trimester of my pregnancy where my hubby won't be by my side. This is due to I'll be back to KL waiting to give birth but my hubby still have to stay in Jakarta to work.
I believe every woman feels the same. The last trimester of pregnancy is the time where they needed their hubby's support the most. Honestly, I don't know how my condition is at time. Hopefully I'll still be as healthy as now so that I can take care of myself.
Loh Mee this time....
The 1st home made "chickuteh"
Today, my hubby suddenly suggested to cook "chickuteh" since we have reached home early. Plus, he had bought a packet of the "herb" quite some time ago.
So, without second thought. we went down to the convenient shop to buy all the materials needed to prepare a good "chickuteh", ie : the "sang choi" and celery. However, we can't get the mushrooms and the char kue (yao char guai). Luckily, our maid is still around and willing to get it for us.
From 4.55pm, we started to prepare soup, put in "herbs", 3 whole garlics and wait till it boiled. Then, put the chicken and mushrooms into it. Then cook it with low heat for approximately 1 hour. ( i can tell u, the aroma was so unresistable....).
Finally, the "chickuteh" is done. We invited our colleague to have dinner with us, he asked who had prepared this meal and we are supposed to cook "chickuteh" earlier. All of us was so satisfied with it and decided to prepare it some other day....
Hmm..... this meal was the most satisfying meal i ever had in jakarta (mayb due to I didn't take "bakuteh" for a long time :P)
p/s: sorry, due to so eager to taste the "chickuteh", i forgot to take pictures of it....
So, without second thought. we went down to the convenient shop to buy all the materials needed to prepare a good "chickuteh", ie : the "sang choi" and celery. However, we can't get the mushrooms and the char kue (yao char guai). Luckily, our maid is still around and willing to get it for us.
From 4.55pm, we started to prepare soup, put in "herbs", 3 whole garlics and wait till it boiled. Then, put the chicken and mushrooms into it. Then cook it with low heat for approximately 1 hour. ( i can tell u, the aroma was so unresistable....).
Finally, the "chickuteh" is done. We invited our colleague to have dinner with us, he asked who had prepared this meal and we are supposed to cook "chickuteh" earlier. All of us was so satisfied with it and decided to prepare it some other day....
Hmm..... this meal was the most satisfying meal i ever had in jakarta (mayb due to I didn't take "bakuteh" for a long time :P)
p/s: sorry, due to so eager to taste the "chickuteh", i forgot to take pictures of it....
昨晚和我先生发生了一些不开心的事。 那是因为我觉得他的朋友很不尊敬我。明明在吃完晚饭时就跟他们说了我会去我朋友家拜年。
但是才到朋友家不到一个小时, 他的朋友就已经打了两个电话过来问他和他们“开枱”吗?一点都不放我在眼里。原先我还叫自己冷静下来, 不要破坏了新年快乐的气氛。谁知道当他载我回家路上,他们又再打来了。真的是把我给气坏了。
回到家后, 躺下来准备睡觉时。 很自然的把手放在肚皮上,发觉小宝宝好像能感应到我的不开心一样。就在我手掌的地方踢了一下。 当我把手移到别的地方时,他/她也做出同样的反应。也就是这种反应提醒了我,不可以再不开心下去。 他们是谁? 他们没有权力去影响我宝宝的心情。
但是, 还是会为没有很多时间陪我的朋友而感到遗憾。
但是才到朋友家不到一个小时, 他的朋友就已经打了两个电话过来问他和他们“开枱”吗?一点都不放我在眼里。原先我还叫自己冷静下来, 不要破坏了新年快乐的气氛。谁知道当他载我回家路上,他们又再打来了。真的是把我给气坏了。
回到家后, 躺下来准备睡觉时。 很自然的把手放在肚皮上,发觉小宝宝好像能感应到我的不开心一样。就在我手掌的地方踢了一下。 当我把手移到别的地方时,他/她也做出同样的反应。也就是这种反应提醒了我,不可以再不开心下去。 他们是谁? 他们没有权力去影响我宝宝的心情。
但是, 还是会为没有很多时间陪我的朋友而感到遗憾。
懂得放下, 活得自在
最近, 发生了好多事.
这些事让我怀疑倒底问提是不是在我身上? 如果不是的话, 怎么我会在短短的一个月内和身边的两位朋友吵架???
但还好有人认为问题不在我身上, 而且还教我怎么去控制自己的情绪. 才让我从极度的失落爬起来.
正如所说的, 这个人对你来说并不是很重要. 有必要让他去破坏你的情绪, 影响胎儿以后的性个吗? 对, 自从怀孕以来. 我时不时就为了朋友的是而感到伤心, 难过.
但是, 身为我的那些 "朋友"又有没有关心过我现在在怀孕, 该保持心情开朗呢? 这些只懂得顾及自己的人. 我有必要再为他们伤心, 难过吗?
如今, 身在远处才能看见有哪些人关心我, 而又有哪些人只顾自己的感受. 所以, 我现在要学着"硬"一些, 不能在让人破坏我的情绪, 影响我的宝宝往后的个性...
这些事让我怀疑倒底问提是不是在我身上? 如果不是的话, 怎么我会在短短的一个月内和身边的两位朋友吵架???
但还好有人认为问题不在我身上, 而且还教我怎么去控制自己的情绪. 才让我从极度的失落爬起来.
正如所说的, 这个人对你来说并不是很重要. 有必要让他去破坏你的情绪, 影响胎儿以后的性个吗? 对, 自从怀孕以来. 我时不时就为了朋友的是而感到伤心, 难过.
但是, 身为我的那些 "朋友"又有没有关心过我现在在怀孕, 该保持心情开朗呢? 这些只懂得顾及自己的人. 我有必要再为他们伤心, 难过吗?
如今, 身在远处才能看见有哪些人关心我, 而又有哪些人只顾自己的感受. 所以, 我现在要学着"硬"一些, 不能在让人破坏我的情绪, 影响我的宝宝往后的个性...
唔... 飞上枝头边凤凰.
有人含辛茹苦, 拼了一生才能改变自己的身份. 变成凤凰. 又有些人只需找个富伯伯, 就可以无忧无虑的享受下半生了.
当自己工作累时, 真的会怪自己坚持些什么? 倒不如找个有钱老头就好啦!酱就可以少拼几年了.
但是, 这念头只是想想罢了. 因为始终过不了自己, 只好继续拼咯!!!
真的对这些人有着一种看不起她们的感觉. 而她们却一点也不在意别人的眼光. 也搞不懂那些男人要这些"娃娃"来干嘛? 尤其是那些事业有成, 钱太多的.
身边除了太太, 一定还要有个"娃娃". 是为了面子? 还是贪新厌旧呢?
这些事情, 要怪男人还是女人?
有人含辛茹苦, 拼了一生才能改变自己的身份. 变成凤凰. 又有些人只需找个富伯伯, 就可以无忧无虑的享受下半生了.
当自己工作累时, 真的会怪自己坚持些什么? 倒不如找个有钱老头就好啦!酱就可以少拼几年了.
但是, 这念头只是想想罢了. 因为始终过不了自己, 只好继续拼咯!!!
真的对这些人有着一种看不起她们的感觉. 而她们却一点也不在意别人的眼光. 也搞不懂那些男人要这些"娃娃"来干嘛? 尤其是那些事业有成, 钱太多的.
身边除了太太, 一定还要有个"娃娃". 是为了面子? 还是贪新厌旧呢?
这些事情, 要怪男人还是女人?
To whom we shud compare with???
Do u know that u can consider compare with other ppl??
Sounds familiar with this sentence....?
Ya, ppl in this world like to compare him/herself to others.... such as : who is having better job,
who earning more, who is having better opportunity.... etc....
I used to be a person who like to compare too.... which end up, i'm not happy, keeps finding a way to get myself better.... when i think back now, it was so silly and tiring....
what is the point to compare with others. To me, everyone will have their own destiny and fate. we only compare with those who's better than us. vice versa, there are also ppl out there who don't even have a home & no one cares about them.... what would it be if we compare with those ppl... sure we are also lucky, right?
So, i've decided now. will only compare to myself. now & the past.... jz to make sure i've improvement everyday. this will be enough for me..... & i believe my life will get easier without comparing with other instead.
Sounds familiar with this sentence....?
Ya, ppl in this world like to compare him/herself to others.... such as : who is having better job,
who earning more, who is having better opportunity.... etc....
I used to be a person who like to compare too.... which end up, i'm not happy, keeps finding a way to get myself better.... when i think back now, it was so silly and tiring....
what is the point to compare with others. To me, everyone will have their own destiny and fate. we only compare with those who's better than us. vice versa, there are also ppl out there who don't even have a home & no one cares about them.... what would it be if we compare with those ppl... sure we are also lucky, right?
So, i've decided now. will only compare to myself. now & the past.... jz to make sure i've improvement everyday. this will be enough for me..... & i believe my life will get easier without comparing with other instead.
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